
Anthony Chipner
2 min readApr 6, 2021

If you are a parent you will understand this better than most, but pride is not in my vocabulary anymore. It's not something I am allowed to have as a parent. Sure I can be proud of my children and their accomplishments, but I can no longer afford the luxury of being prideful. Since the day my oldest was born and changed my life forever, I slowly began to lose this ability to have pride. I used to be a very prideful person. Walking tall and acting bigger than I was. Now I throw pride out the window for the sake of my children. Instead of walking tall; I act like a goof just to see a smile on my child's face.

Instead of not taking money from others when I truly need it. I set my pride aside once again and take that money so my children don’t suffer. Instead of telling my boss to take this job and……. I suck it up and keep working. All of these types of things are sacrifices that every parent has to make at some point or another. Being a parent means you can’t just think about yourself anymore. It means that you will have to make sacrifices for many things to make sure your child never goes without. It means to forget about your pride and do what's needed to make sure that child is happy, well taken care of and overall will grow to a wonderful human being someday.

In conclusion, being a parent is never going to be easy and you will have to put your pride aside more often than you like to ensure that your children have everything they need, want, and desire in life because at the end of the day those children are your pride and joy.

